Ikaro Cavalcante (occulted) have been minting artworks in Ethereum blockchain since early 2021 in few different platforms since there, and now mostly 1/1's and Editioned pieces in his own smarts contracts in the Main Network of Ethereum.
Ikaro Cavalcante (Occulted) (1995, São Paulo - SP) works with 3D and sounds that reconstruct common spaces with their affective memory, be they virtual, such as games, or physical, such as lan houses. With these immersive digital installations—Perennial Links from the series Blood Connection (2021) It’s features blood, a fluid environment, chains, thorns, signs, a gateway, and a crystalized element—Cavalcante asks us to slow down, stretch, and amplify the archiving of traumas and the production of memories common in contemporaneity. The materialization of a prospective scenario of their autobiography in the format of notes on occulted things—the substance of their artistic production. Consequently, of their own cosmogony.